Business Sales Sheet

Not another boring sales sheet: In 6 steps

This article is actually about creating an effective sales sheet. I just wanted to clarify that for any Google bots reading this, in case they take my title the wrong way. They aren’t quite as sophisticated as humans yet, although they are getting scarily close. OK, and on to the humans reading this…Let’s start with …

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Use custom folders for a more powerful presentation

A couple years ago, at a company that shall remain nameless, I was sitting through our mandatory annual insurance presentation (dreaming about the sunshine outside). I looked around the room and could see that I wasn’t the only one who had briefly taken a trip out the window. I remember thinking, “this is important information, and  I should be paying attention,” but the information and numbers …

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How to Collaborate with Other Companies the Smart Way

Disney and McDonald’s mastered the art of business collaboration and cross promotion for more than a decade. When a new major animated film was slated for release by Disney, consumers knew to anticipate cross promotional ads, highlighting Happy Meal toy tie-ins with the film. The relationship was clearly a win-win for both organizations because of …

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