Custom Envelopes
Ideas for Churches

Compass Christian Church prints custom envelopes to raise money for Haiti

Compass Church Envelopes and Brochures
“Print marketing is great because when somebody leaves, they have that piece in their hand with them.” – Jeremy Hardwick, communications director


Did you know that churches need marketing? They do! They need to spread the word about their message, services and fundraising, much in the same way most businesses do. They print envelopes, church postcards, church brochures, and more to help get their message out to the community.

To look into this further, Tim and I made Compass Christian Church the subject of our newest customer spotlight.


Compass Church Printing Interview
Tim and I made Compass Church the subject of our newest customer spotlight.’s interview with Compass Church

It was early in the morning, okay 9 a.m., but we aren’t morning people. Tim and I set up several interviews with the people that make Compass Christian Church work. We were told to meet them in the Compass Center, and expected a blank room full of tables and chairs, but that wasn’t what we found.

The Compass Center had a modern style. The blue walls were lit by squares of light flanked along the bottom by square brown and bright orange cushions beneath a large TV. This was truly an activity center. There was a coffee & snack bar. There were a couple areas with comfortable couches and chairs. There was a small basketball court with glass walls right next to the room where we shot our video.

Compass Christian Church’s Mission

The focus of Compass Christian Church is based on a navigational compass, with “N” standing for navigate, “E” for engage, “S” for serve, and “W” for worship.

Brandon Beard, executive pastor, explained this message further.

“Our core values are not just something we print on paper. Our core values are something we communicate as a way of life, a way to live your life, and to really live a life of love, telling other people about Jesus.”

Printing plays an important part in helping to convey this message to church members and the community.

Jeremy Hardwick, communications director, told us, “Print marketing is great because when somebody leaves, they have that piece in their hand with them. They can always refer back to it. A lot of times, with radio, TV, online, the message is there and it’s gone. [Print] keeps our guests wanting to come back and find out what that information is.”

Compass Church Custom Envelopes
Printing custom envelopes helped Compass Christian Church raise over $40,000 to send food to Haiti.

Custom envelopes raised over $40,000

Printing custom envelopes is not only a convenience, it is also a means of fundraising. Many churches use offertory envelopes, since they count on donations from parishioners to exist.

Compass Christian Church also uses envelopes to fundraise for missions, like the victims of the earthquake in Haiti. Last fall, they printed custom envelopes from that included photos and info about the people the donations were going to help. The envelopes proved to be an organized way to collect money for the cause, as well as a helpful marketing tool.

Each person who was handed an envelope could see the mission and who they would be helping, if they contributed. The envelopes were informational and persuasive. In the end, over 285,000 meals were to sent to Haiti.

“That was raised as a result of just putting those envelopes out there and letting people know, here’s a need, here’s an opportunity that you can respond to,” said Beard.


Watch our video below to see more about our trip to Compass Christian Church.


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