
Targeting the Local Market with Print Media

The nature of distribution of printed marketing materials is centralized in certain localities. This may be due to the cost of distribution. But this is not to say that print media marketing is not effective across international marketing efforts. Previously, it has been discussed that response around printed materials is the activity that makes it fit for branding and selling. The same fact is true in international marketing campaigns. This is just to say that small businesses marketing and local marketing campaigns would be best carried out through print media.

For example, Julie McCullough, a small business owner who formerly worked on the marketing strategies of some big website, chose to use tangible materials like printed flyers and postcards as her primary marketing campaign for Indie Genius. In the following video, she speaks more about it and how she came up with the Micro-boutique marketplace., advertising and marketing services-provider made up by a team of local advertising specialists also believe in the power of print media. They consider flyer distribution, local newspaper advertising, direct mailing and yellow pages advertising among the most effective advertising strategies. Even contained in their blog are the many advertising suggestions to help marketers reinforce their print media marketing campaigns.

New media landscapes may have sprouted out of the technological developments like the internet and the devices, but the traditional media continue to persist. With the above figures and facts, it is clear that the business and marketing world can take advantage of the strong platform of print. It’s not just that, it is being revolutionized by the recent advancements in the printing industry like custom box printing, 3D printing and printed electronics among many others.

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